I've been looking at the various e-reader/tablet options for a while without finding anything compellingly more interesting than my netbook. Android tablets until now have been too slow to be fun to use and are riddled with technical problems, the iPad is too large for easy portability, is nearly as heavy as a netbook, and has a
low ppi screen I find insufficient for reading, and the various e-readers didn't have color screens and/or had poor support for
DRM-free formats.
Enter the
Barnes and Noble nook color; this device has the better portability I am looking for, something I can slip into my coat pocket when I head to the coffee shop, a reasonably high ppi screen I find comfortable to read, and supports DRM-free ePub, PDF, and plain text formats. As shown on the screen, it's great for reading comic books in PDF form like
Marvel's Complete Iron Man Collection. Gutenberg project ePub books work great on the device, as do other DRM-free ePub books available online directly from publishers. There are also various magazines online in PDF form including
Model Railroad Hobbyist.
It has a shop as well, but until such shops are DRM-free I strongly recommend avoiding buying anything from them. Read EFF's
The Right to Read before being tempted to purchase DRM materials of any kind, especially with so many other freedom preserving options available online.