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Monday, July 1. 2013Thunder in the Valley 2013
A steady stream of bikes cruise up and down the streets. To keep things from getting out of control, the police provide secured parking areas for some larger groups to ensure their bikes are safe and rivals don't attempt any mischief. For those who want to show off their bikes, a parade mid-day draws a large crowd. Sunday, June 2. 20132013 Honda CBR250R Repsol Edition
Not many people watch it in the US; this paint scheme is a replica of the Honda Powersports team in MotoGP, a worldwide motorcycle racing circuit. Seating position is similar to the GS500F, but the power profile is much different. This is more of a buzzy sport bike with little low end torque; whereas the GS500F likes to hang around 4k RPM for peak torque, this one needs wound up to 7k+ to get moving. Once up there, it's similar to the GS500F up to about 45MPH, over which it becomes noticeably less powerful. Less weight results in a bike more fun to flip around on the twisties, offsetting the power disadvantage. The fairing provides noticeably less wind protection, handy in this hot summer weather but which may prove a downside during the rest of the year. Saturday, April 13. 2013Last of Gibbles Red Hots![]() I fail to understand the modern business theory of shutting down profitable product lines to 'focus on core products.' This rarely does anything but reduce overall profits, especially in cases like this where there was no avenue to re-purpose the product line or employees for more profitable ventures. Such tactics make sense when product lines are losing money, but in cases like this where the profit was simply 'less than our main product line' it is unclear what positive impact management was trying to achieve. The only plus side here is the potential to improve my health, as these were one of the last potato chip brands I find worth reaching for. I'll certainly enjoy this last bag. Friday, February 8. 2013Lego Mini Models
The Tie Interceptor is one of my favorite ships from the Star Wars series of movies; one of LEGO's most prominent and long running tie-in series; and it was only $7. I've been impressed at the detail, both on the model and the mini figure. The Death Star model is rather clever too, able to hold all the parts for the models, even including a loop to fasten on the top to create a planetary system model (most of these sets include a planet or moon) or for use as an ornament. FTL: Faster than Light
With Desura and Steam bringing an influx of commercial games to Linux, I've been trying some of these out. My favorite so far has been FTL: Faster than Light; ironically a game available for Linux without either of these distribution platforms.
Who hasn't dreamed of commanding a starship, navigating space, fleeing a mighty armada of enemies? Check out the video on the right by Nerd3. Friday, December 14. 2012Propane Gas Install
A 96% efficient unit, the new furnace looks like a computer inside; a giant circuit board dominates the interior. Much smaller as well, sidewalls were fabricated larger than the actual unit so the old ductwork matches up. Concerned such a small furnace wouldn't have the gusto to push through our old 4" ductwork, it actually works better than the old furnace did, with more airflow and more consistent heating throughout the house. Best part of the install is the Gas stove; it cooks quickly with even heat and much more control than the old electric. Friday, October 26. 20122007 Suzuki GS500F
This bike has quite a few miles on it, but as I've been told and have been experiencing first hand, mileage is a poor indicator of used motorcycle quality. I've had it a few weeks at this point and am enjoying the different riding experience. Sunday, September 16. 20122012 Lake Hope Rebel Rally
When I purchased my Rebel last year I was already a frequent visitor to both the Honda Rebel Forum and the Rebel 250 forum. The latter has a yearly Rally within a day's ride at Lake Hope State Park in Ohio. I wasn't experienced enough to make the 400+ mile journey last year, but I made it this year.
Being a Rebel 250, although it can handle freeways just fine, I don't find too many hours on them pleasant for me as a rider, so I took the Google maps 'avoid freeways' route which was approximately 408 miles. This route including stops took 10 hours on the way out and 11 hours on the way back, due to more stops on the way back to enjoy attractions I had passed on the way out. Although not much greater in miles on paper, this was a much longer ride than visiting my sister in Cleveland involving twice as many hours in the saddle.
Logged 1,030 miles by the time I returned home, already planning to head out again next year. My photos of the trip to the Rebel Rally this year are organized at the front of my Motorcycle Adventures Album, although I didn't take many. Better pictures of the actual Rally part by Tigerlily 2012 Ohio Rebel Rally Lake Hope As advertised, the Rally was mainly eating and talking with a motorcycle ride thrown in, which considering the long ride there, was perfect. Sunday, July 29. 2012Honda Rebel 250 Scottoiler Install
Installation was considerably more challenging than expected, which ended up requiring removal of the fuel tank, seats, side covers, and rear wheel axle. On my 25 mile test ride this morning the chain was perfectly lubricated. Now I need some rain for a really good test . . . Monday, May 7. 2012South Williamsport to Route 44 via Route 654
Another ride video from my weekend scenic drive, this one from South Williamsport to route 44.
I enjoy the lighting on this one. While riding I was concerned the sun was too bright for the camera, but it turned out well. Sunday, May 6. 2012Yamaha Vstar 950 First Posted Video
Having not posted any ride videos on my Yamaha Vstar 950 yet, I made some recordings on Saturday. This one shows construction on route 15 near Williamsport and concludes with a ride over the grate metal arch street bridge.
I used to be terrified to ride on these, but now I rather enjoy them. The sensation of the motorcycle wavering underneath is interesting. Unfortunately this bridge is about to be replaced, the almost finished replacement visible on the right. Friday, April 27. 2012Free of Burdens![]() Saturday, April 7. 2012Sonic Fuel Economy and Premium Fuel
One of the interesting aspects of this car is the made in Europe turbocharged engine. They have a different market over there, being primarily manual transmission cars whereas most drivers here want to chat on their cell phone and shave while driving instead of actually enjoying the drive, so manuals here are stereotypically sold on the cheap. As such, Chevy decided to list this car as running 87 octane gasoline, using a control chip to detect the type of fuel added and retard the engine as appropriate. A fascinating side effect of this unusual measure is a car that actually does perform better with premium gasoline. Continue reading "Sonic Fuel Economy and Premium Fuel" Tuesday, March 6. 2012Java Enum Override
I get a lot of use out of Java 5 enums:
enum Galaxies { MilkyWay, Andromeda, NGC4414 } But here's a nice trick; as enum members are actually classes, you can override the member functions they contain. I find this most useful overriding toString: enum Galaxies {
Tuesday, January 17. 2012RC Helicopters
I have been interested in RC aircraft for a while and was considering getting into the hobby this year. Although I was thinking airplanes, flying these around the house is surprisingly fun and not tied to good weather conditions. Helicopters I have looked at in the past were either ridiculously expensive, hard to fly, or both, but modern gyro technology now common in cell phones has made these quite reasonable in price and very stable to fly. Now to land one of these on a train flatcar . . .
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