The Holiday season has come to an end and the New Year is here. I'll take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy and successful year, in whatever endeavors you decide to pursue.
I purchased my parents a
Roomba Robotic Vacuum over the holidays. I only half expected it to actually work, it was mainly an attempt at a helpful gesture to encourage cleaning. Amazingly though, the thing appears to actually work quite well.
Thus far it looks like it excels at sweeping the main part of the room, then you just go through with a vacuum every few months and spot clean the areas it can't reach.
A review site I was looking at linked to a
blog post with a rather cool movie. This guy taped a camera to the top of his Roomba. Useless, but fun to watch. You'll notice a few places where he was using his feet to keep it from going areas which it would normally clean under just fine, but in this case would have knocked the camera off.